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  • LIMONCINO - Made using fresh and zesty Italian lemons, Bottega Limoncino Limoncello Liqueur is a traditional liqueur that backdates to the nineteenth century, produced from lemon peel, this is an extremely popular liqueur in Italy and there is a good reason why
  • TASTE - With a hint of grappa in the recipe, Bottega Limoncino has a clean, inviting aroma with a sweet, well-rounded taste of fresh, zesty lemons.
  • HOW TO ENJOY - Limoncino Bottega is ideal as an ingredient for aperitifs, excellent as an after-dinner drink and it also pairs well with ice-creams, sorbets and fresh fruit salads.
  • LEMON SPRITZ - While our Limoncino can be enjoyed in a variety of different ways, why not try creating a Bottega Lemon Spritz! Simply fill a large long-stemmed wine glass with ice cubes. Pour in Bottega Gold Prosecco DOC, Bottega Limoncino, soda water and stir well. Garnish with a slice of lemon and a sprig of mint - delicious!
  • BOTTEGA - Bottega has a history of four centuries in the world of wine and grappa, since the 17th century, when our ancestors cultivated the vine as tenant farmers, up to now, with Bottega grappa and liquors being appreciated all over the world

Bottega Limoncino Italian Liqueur Limoncello

  • Size: 700mL
    ABV: 30%

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